The film, “Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey” is in the Top 10 Documentary Films on iTunes for the third straight week, as of March 27, 2013.
The film is about the Cinderella story of how the iconic rock band, Journey, found their Filipino lead vocalist, Arnel Pineda, on YouTube. The documentary also stars Neal Schon, lead guitarist, Deen Castronovo, the drummer, Ross Valory, bass guitarist, and Jonathan Cain, the keyboard player and composer of hits like “Open Arms” and “After All These Years.”
According to a movie review by Los Angeles Times:
“Arnel Pineda’s tale stands out, even in the age of YouTube discoveries and ‘American-Idol’-fueled fame.”
“Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey” is presently showing in selected theaters across the US and could be viewed and downloaded from iTunes. The movie is available from Amazon, as well.
For a documentary that nearly did not make it through because of financial constraints, the continuing success of the film is worthy of admiration. Director Ramona Diaz has emphasized that the movie is a documentary and is not a vanity project by Journey; meaning, the story is genuine as it gets, and there are no made-up intrigues just to create a “come-on” for viewers.
If you want to be inspired about a true miracle by God that happened in this era, then you may want to watch “Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey.”
As Oprah Winfrey said, back in 2008 when Arnel Pineda was just starting:
“The Divine shows itself so boldly, you cannot deny it.”
“Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey” would surely remain on Top 10 on iTunes. If you still don’t have your copy, you can get one on iTunes. You can also request that the film be shown in a theater near you, so you could enjoy the whole amazing, wide-screen experience with the iconic rock band, Journey.
Below is the interview of Journey on Oprah.