Phillip Phillips & Jessica Sanchez
Image Credit: Americanidol.com
The American Idol 2012 Finale is between Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips on American Idols twin show, May 22 and May 23.
It would be an exhilarating show with the Top 2 remaining American Idols, Jessica and Phillip. They have unique talents that would come to play for sure during the Grand Finale.
Phillip’s voice is so refreshing and “cool” as Steven Tyler said: “You could listen to it, over and over.”
Jessica’s voice, on the other hand, is like that of an angel. Steven Tyler said this too.
With the 3 theme songs for the May 22 American Idol Performance Show, Jessica and Phillip would be able to give their all to the audience.
The two contenders also agreed in an interview with ACCESS that no matter how “anxious” they were, they would give their best for their fans on the Grand Finale.
Actual song choices are still to be released, and everyone is thrilled what songs would Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips sing during the finale of American Idol 2012. The countdown continues.
Check back for updates later about the American Idol 2012 finale.