A Valentine’s Day Prayer

Valentines Day Praayer

This day is special because it’s Hearts’ Day.

So, to my beloved, I offer this Valentine’s Day Prayer.

May the generous and blessed hand of our Lord grant all your wishes.

I offer my sincere and loving heart to you as a gift.

My heart, body, and soul belong to you forever.

Let our Heavenly Father stay at the center of our relationship.

I beseech you to guide all our actions, so together we can bear your good fruit, wherever we are.

Let our love be a reflection of your all-abounding love and mercy.

This Valentine’s Day, we come to you with open hearts to ask for blessings,

That we may bestow on the people around us, not only sincerity, but loyalty, and faithfulness to our
responsibilities as partners, sisters, and brothers.

May you grant these requests in the Good Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


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