A Life Worth Living – 17th Article for the Inspirational Book

Posted on May 11, 2009



“No one ever finds life worth living – he has to make it worth living”
A very nice thought I have read as I browsed a book of Chicken Soup last night.

I think we can make our lives worth living by living each day at a time, appreciating little things, and not looking for what is missing in our lives.

We have to nourish what we have and what we know – we should count our blessings! Our life is only lived once so it’s better to appreciate whatever life has to offer.

Embrace each trial and give thanks for them because they make us stronger. It’s hard to rejoice amidst our trials but if we only know how to discern blessings from them, things will be so simple.

Life is just a game: A jigsaw puzzle that keeps us thinking what it would look like after we drop each piece – it takes time and patience. But no matter how many times we try to put a piece that we think is right, it doesn’t mean that the piece is going to fit. Sometimes we’ll need to give up on one piece and move on to the others. The piece may fit, and we try to reassure ourselves that it’s going to be fine, but somehow we know it’s not right. And we try and try again.
Photo 1 of people by foxspain

Life is just a carnival ride: A roller coaster that has its twists and turns and is full of ups and downs – we scream, shout, cry, and laugh. It’s always a different thrill each day and it is more fun when shared with others.

We have to be prepared for the ride as it dives very fast and doesn’t last long enough. We are stuck with the first position we had – we have to hang on well too, and sit back tight.

I have been through a lot and it really took me great courage and strength to stand up on my own. Sometimes people have to live alone just to find out what purpose they have in life. When they have found that – life would then be worth living!

Life can be a “better place” to “live” in, if we recognize and appreciate all the little things that surround us. A number of people take some of these important little things for granted, but eventually they’d noticed how these are indeed bigger things after all.

To think that my heart is still beating and I still have my senses complete and working admirably, I am very thankful just for that; other people are blind, deaf, and can’t even walk.

Sometimes, we think we have given them something worthless – but for these unfortunate beings – they are priceless! That’s how they usually perceive things because they don’t possess them.

But for people who have everything, things are often taken for granted. We get irked at the slightest sign of discomfort – waiting in line at a supermarket, when others around are starving; feeling uncomfortable because of a warm weather at night, when others had to sleep in a cold, damp pavement.

I always weigh things that I have versus the things that other people lack. This way I can realize how much worth the things I have in my life; that they are not just insignificant things but are really bigger blessings.

I am always thankful that even if I don’t have everything, at least I don’t have “NOTHING.”


IRENE is the author of LIFELOTS, an upcoming blog which inspires and motivates its readers to live life to the fullest. At her young age, Irene speaks with so much wisdom and startling conviction about vital topics.

She says: “No regrets, just lessons learned…”

With her jovial disposition and unfaltering optimism, she is a blogger worth visiting. Don’t just drop and run though, for she has a lot to offer.

Hop over her site and peruse her posts and you’ll understand what I mean.