Short Soldier’s Prayer for Safety

Sample Prayer for Soldiers

Soldiers are tasked to protect the citizenry,

And You, Omniscient Father is the powerful force that protects us in turn.

We cannot go out there without Your Divine Protection and Support.

You are our Invincible Armor, Oh God,

When we go out there to perform our duties, we rely on Your unconditional assistance.

The enemies fall before our feet with their evil deeds when You wield Your Sword of righteousness and might.

Prayer for Soldiers

May you protect everyone who is a victim of any struggle or strife around the world.

Let the evil-doers and their deeds perish from this earth.

Better yet, allow them to realize their evil ways and repent.

Help us conquer all difficulties through your enlightenment and power.

Send us the Holy Spirit to guide us to make wise decisions and do righteous actions.

Direct us to be more humane when needed, and to defend ourselves and the citizenry without questions when the circumstances are dire.

Give us the discernment of King Solomon to decide wisely under such circumstances.

As soldiers, we are willing to risk our lives for our country and our people.

Thank you for protecting us, thus far.

This is our duty and obligation, and we pledged our lives to this.

Just as we vow to follow your words and ways, Almighty Father, let our words and actions be a witness to your goodness and love.

Let there be peace on earth as it is also our duty to ensure that we maintain peace and exhaust all peaceful means before waging war.

Reckless actions could lead to loss of life and property and moral and physical scars that may not be healed forever.

In You, we render all our loyalty and trust.

Because You are the Captain of our Souls and the Ultimate Chief of all Armies on heaven and earth.


During war, children and women are sometimes the victims, here’s Prayers for Children’s Protection that you can use.

You may want to read too, these Tips for a Successful Military Career

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