A prayer for deliverance is what we badly need in these trying times. Below is a short deliverance prayer that you could promptly say in silence when you need a saving grace the most.
Deliver me from this danger, Omniscient God.
Free me from these negative feelings of anger and vengeance.
Eschew this burning fury inside me and let Your Calming Spirit take over.
Don’t permit the negative emotions to take over my being.
With Your Tranquil ways, I know I can overcome this imbroglio of negativity inside me.
Deliver me from this path to evil and lead me to the road of resurrection instead.
God, I pray that you deliver my family and friends from their thirst for vengeance too.
Deliver them from sin and enlighten them to follow Your Words of Wisdom.
Guide them towards your path so they can emulate You and be Your True Followers.
And with them, we could all spread the Good News of Your Redemption and Salvation.
Likewise, this prayer of deliverance is for people all over the world.
Deliver us all from iniquities and mundane greed.

May we realize that harboring, vengeance, anger, and bad thoughts would lead us farther away from You.
Shower us with Your Most-Revered Spirit, so that we could forgive and forget each other’s sins.
Shine Your Divine Light on us, and guide us towards Your Heavenly Presence.
Give us the strength to endure hate and unfairness and allow us to show love and kindness despite of that.
If we persist enough in doing good, surely, our actions would eventually turn their bad actions into good.
As you have said, Lord, “we are the salt of the earth.”
So, lend us that unflinching virtue of patience to sow good in this world, no matter how bad the circumstances are.
Let this prayer for deliverance from evil and protection merit Your Utmost Blessings and acceptance.
Featured Image credit: Joel Castro, thank you, Sir Joel.
You may want to use this prayer for exams to guide you, Prayer before Exams
You could also know more about deliverance by reading these Four Commonly Asked Questions about Deliverance.