Prayer before Meals

Invocation before Meals

Before meals, offering a prayer to the Lord is only proper.
Hence, you could use the simple prayer below.

The array of delicious abundant food before us is a blessing from you, our Savior.

We are thankful that we can gather together as one and enjoy this sumptuous meal before us,

Despite life’s difficulties, You keep giving us our daily bread.

You are always there to carry us on Your loving shoulders when things get rough.

With grateful hearts, we stand before you enthralled in your all-abounding generosity.

May You bestow Your blessings on the hands who have prepared this delicious meal.

Allow them to prosper and let happiness and peace be with their families always.

Give everyone present here our daily bread as well as our spiritual food too.


Prayer before Meals #2

Thank you, Wonderful and Generous Father, for this nourishing food before us.

You are the source of our spiritual and physical strength as well.

This gathering would not be successful without your guiding and inspiring hand.

While we enjoy this scrumptious meal, allow us to interact with each other in the spirit of camaraderie and love.

Make us reach out to each other as brothers and sisters sharing a meal with each other.

We are all here for a purpose, so allow us to interact with concern to find out what your Divine Will is for us.

Help us be a good support system to one another through this shared meal.

We also offer this invocation before meals to the kind persons who have prepared it for us.

Bless their families and friends, so that they would stay in Your Grace forever.

Let Your Divine Hands dwell in us as we enjoy this meal together.

To God be the Glory.


You could use this Sample Prayer for Meetings , if you want to.

If you want to write your own prayer, you can get pointers from Quora on how to write prayers properly.

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