We offer you Lord, this opening prayer before our meeting.
On bent knees, we come before you with our hearts full of gratitude.
Without your blessings, we would not be able to gather in Your Omniscient Name.
Hence, please shower us your blessings, so that we can contribute wisely and unselfishly.
May we forget our own personal agenda and interest.
Instead, allow us to be aware that whatever we plan in this meeting must be according to Your Will.
Help us to map out plans and goals that would benefit the majority.
Our goals must be beneficial most especially to the needy and underprivileged people.
However, we are not excluding the rest who have more than the others.
May you also enlighten us to come up with plans that could benefit them as well.
Bestow upon us all your Holy Spirit so that we could perceive Christ in each one of us.
In this way, we can come up with goals and plans in this meeting that are in sync with your purpose in our lives.
Touch each one of us and grant the wisdom that would make us interact in cooperation with each other.
May we be aware of the words that come out of our mouths.
Our words should foster unity and love.
Let your words and actions guide us and lead us to follow your exemplary behavior.
prayer for resolution of problems
We are coming together too, to resolve some problems that we have encountered in our midst.
Bless us with your discerning wisdom so that we can come up with solutions that could reflect your love, generosity, and peace.
When we go out after this meeting, anoint us with the Holy Spirit that we could fulfill our plans well.

All these we ask, in Your Mighty Name, Oh Heavenly Father.
Closing Prayer for Seminars or Meetings
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