A group prayer before work is an ideal method to begin a work day. Working as a group needs teamwork and you can only do this if you are aware that each one of you has responsibilities to God and to each other.
Here’s a group opening prayer for work that you can use for the day.
Group Opening Prayer before Work
We come together today to render service to You, Father, and to other people.
As a team, each one of us must be willing to cooperate and fulfill his responsibilities.
While doing this, we should also imbed in our hearts that you are the center of everything.
Without your generous blessings and unconditional love, nothing would succeed.
Bequeath upon us an enterprising and diligent spirit, so that we could do our tasks according to Your Will.
Let love dwell in our hearts and allow us to sincerely care for each other’s welfare.
May we look out for the benefit and safety of each other as we go about our tasks.

Give us the Spirit of Cooperation because teamwork makes our tasks successful.
Bless our superiors too and endow upon them a courageous and God-fearing leadership.
This would motivate everyone to work harder and more diligently.
Unity and cooperation are needed for us to do our work competently.
However, let us not forget that without You, Dear Lord, this prayer will not be heard.
You must be the center of all our actions and thoughts.
Because we will never succeed in our tasks if You are not there to guide and bless us.
So, may we ask you to dwell ar the center of our group and become the focus of our work.
This group prayer for work is useful for all people. Prayer does wonders and only God can ensure your success at work, so, don’t hesitate to say this prayer.
After work, feel free to use any of these Short Closing Prayers for Work
If you want to compose your own prayer this Guide on How to Write Prayers would be useful.