Catholic Closing Prayer for Meetings

All praises to you Heavenly Father in this closing prayer for our meeting.

With grateful hearts, we bow before you for blessing our plans for this activity.

We have successfully fulfilled our goals and resolved issues and problems.

The camaraderie and cooperation from each of the attendees have brought us closer to You.

Thank you for allowing us to be together to map up our plans and develop goals that focus on your Divine Will.

The wisdom of the organizer and the presider of this meeting helped us succeed

Our gratitude goes also for reminding us that we have to see You in each person whom we interact with.

Bless us, so that when we go out after this closing prayer for this meeting, we would do so in complete confidence with the guidance of your Holy Spirit.

Allow us to be driven by the knowledge that we are fulfilling our tasks as your devoted followers.

We know that with Your Omnipotent Presence, we can conquer any challenges thrown at us along the way.

Let us be helpful to one another in achieving our goals.

Instill in us the Spirit of cooperation and unity so that we will forget our selfishness and pride.

May you bless us with your unfaltering love and courage to withstand all tests and be successful in the end.

Allow us to be the salt of this earth and achieve all the goals we have planned during this meeting.

Let us be living witnesses of Your generosity and love.

May people around us be drawn to you because of the examples that we set.

We implore this in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son and Our Savior


You could access this Graduation Prayer

You could also use this Book of Prayer for free from Amazon.


You could edit the prayer and shorten it for your convenience.

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