Let’s bow our heads and place ourselves in the presence of God.
(Pause for a few seconds.)
Dear God, we thank you for allowing us to gather here before you in this competition not as enemies but as friends.
May you grant each and every competitor
An understanding mind that this competition is among friends.
May it foster love and camaraderie amongst all present here today.
May your loving heart fill each of us so that
We could realize that it is not winning that truly counts
But the honest and noble way we get there.
May you bless the organizers, judges, athletes and everyone
For their cooperation and unity in making
this momentous occasion a remarkable experience of your love and generosity.
Bless the winners that they may be humble in their victory
And realize that they would not have succeeded without you.
Bless also the losers that they may be gracious in their loss
And realize that as long as they have done their best, it is also a victory for them.
All these we ask in your mighty name, amen.