An Airline’s Pilot Prayer

A Nurse's Fervent Prayer

As I embark on my flight, Almighty God.

I am entrusting my body and mind to Your Utmost Loving Care.

Thank you for guiding us for all our flights.

Guide my body, mind, and soul toward the correct destination.

Allow my eyes to perceive any danger and direct my plane to safety.

Free my mind of negative thoughts that may hamper my alertness and rational thoughts.

Let me fly the people who are left in my care to their correct destinations,

And may I do this safely, sincerely, and with responsibility.

Sample Prayers for Pilots

Bless my co-pilot that we can be tuned to each other’s thoughts and actions to fly this plane efficiently.

May all the passengers of this flight experience Your love and concern through my actions.

Keep them safe and comfortable at all times.

May they travel in peace with the assurance that they are our priority,

And that with Your Powerful Presence, their safety and protection is ensured.

I pray also for all pilots flying all over the world.

May all their flights be safe and may they all arrive safely at their respective destinations.

Let all passengers around the globe enjoy Your blessed love and care.

Grant the wisdom and alertness to all pilots to journey and land their planes safely.

Continue guiding us on all our flights.

Allow Your Empowering Spirit to guide us wisely through all decisions that we make.

I also ask for Your Holy Presence among our flight attendants and other crews.

Let them all have your reassuring presence in their minds as they go about their duties.

All these, we fervently pray, Oh Lord.


For pilots, having faith in God and His power will surely ensure confidence and the right attitude through flights.

Here’s a Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge you can use.

If you are a soldier, you can use this instead; A Soldier’s Prayer.

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