Prayer for Peace between Ukraine and Russia

Prayer for peace in Ukraine and Russia

Let’s all pray for peace in the world.

Let’s all pray for peace between Ukraine and Russia.

Lord, we beseech you to enlighten the leaders of these countries

So that they will be aware that war only brings destruction to man and his environment.

Please let these leaders realize that we can co-exist in this world without going to war.

That we can settle our differences by talking it out like civilized men.

We are no longer in the dark ages of ignorance not to know that going to war will not benefit anyone.

We, most especially, pray for the people of Ukraine.

We pray for the children affected by this conflict.

May you protect them and keep them safe from our destructive ways.

May you embrace them with love and allow them to be instruments of your peace.

We also raise the sufferings of people caught amidst this violent war.

Give them courage and resilience to keep aiming for peace despite the seemingly insurmountable odds.

We pray that you shower your Divine Wisdom on all world leaders so that they do not turn a blind eye to this armed conflict.

Allow them to help resolve this conflict wisely and peacefully.

With your presence, we are certain everything would be resolved.

All these we ask through your Mighty Name


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