Thanksgiving Prayer for Peace

Prayer for peace in Ukraine and Russia

Heavenly Father, we thank you for blessing us with your peace and love.

Your Good Words of Wisdom, bring Love and Peace to this troubled world.

If we follow all your scriptures of loving our brothers as we love ourselves, there would never be any misunderstandings and wars.

Your Holy Words allow us to understand each other even our so-called “enemies.”

You taught us to see YOU in each one of us, to treat each person as we would have treated you.

We will obey your commands and teachings.

May you bless us with your everlasting peace and tranquility.

Please make us become aware of our wicked ways and be more kind to one another.

Bless us, so that our good actions will show the world how your teachings have a positive impact on the world.

Once, more, we thank you, Lord, for the love and peace you bring to us.


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