
Heartwarming Love Story: The Senior

Posted on October 18, 2023


There he was, standing tall, dashing, and casually dressed. He was looking around for an empty space to sit. The basketball court was almost full with boisterous students stoked for the upcoming university games.

Liza eyed from the entrance the looming figure of the man and quickly scrambled to a seat near him. She has to be near him to smell him. His scent has always invigorated her. It was like the aroma of fresh-fallen dew in early mornings – earthly and pleasant.

The intercollegiate campus games were being held at the covered court and each college had forged their own teams to compete for the annual games.

“CAMP, CAMP, CAMP,” Liza yelled together with his co-Campers.

“CBA, CBA, CBA, CBA,” the competing college shouted back.

The game was between Liza’s college, the College of Medical Professions and the College of Business Administration.

Everyone cheered as the game started and Liza could see him standing in excitement. Apparently, he belongs to the CBA because of his green t-shirt, she thought.

Theirs was dark blue.

Liza barely watched the game as her eyes were focused on the CBA guy. “He was so good-looking and sinewy,” she thought.

She imagined himself being enclosed in those muscular arms and it made her shiver. She shook her head to erase the thought as a cheer erupted from their college team. They have won the game in a close fight; 112 against 106 points.

Liza took a side-swept glance at the senior and noticed him shaking his head. He turned to her abruptly and uttered in his deep, baritone voice, “Congratulations!” and left without waiting to acknowledge her reply.

She eyed his broad shoulders and wanted to follow him but common sense told her that she might be accused of stalking.

A Poem for My Beloved Sweetheart

They had a quiz in Clinical Chemistry 1 and she had to study. She did not have to worry though as she almost got a perfect score in the quiz, 29/30 – Liza was enjoying a University Full Scholarship as a Dean’s Lister.

After school, Liza hurriedly rushed to the nearby jeepney stop as she had to be there early to line up first.

Students coming from their classes were crowding the stop as they waited for the next ride. Sidewalk vendors adorned the side street with their merchandize.

“Balut, balut,” a scrawny man chanted in his effeminate voice,

“Bili na kayo diyan, Buy one take one ito,” a plump, old lady waved her hankies in the air.

Liza was lucky for going there early because she the first in line and the jeepney arrived soon afterwards.

She scrambled for a seat and heaved a sigh of relief. What a “toxic” day! But she was happy that she was able to seat beside her crush. She was still imagining the tall, handsome CBA man when the driver revved up the engine.

“Paki-abot po,” a grade schooler beside her smiled at her. Requesting her to give the money to the driver.

She smiled back and handed the coins to the driver. She fished for her wallet to pay hers too. “Eto po sa akin.”

The driver glanced at her P100 bill and said, “wala ka bang barya, Miss?” (Don’t you have coins, Miss?)

Once more, Liza dug inside her bag for loose coins but she didn’t have any. In her rush to be early, she had forgotten to prepare smaller bills. “Sorry, Wala po eh,” (Sorry, I don’t have any.)

The driver went through his cash box and there was not enough for Liza’s change. The jeepney was cruising towards the outskirts of the city already and she felt the dilemma of the driver.

Murmurs of disapproval echoed inside the jeepney. It was the passenger’s responsibility to prepare smaller bills or coins.

“Sorry po. Bababa na lang po ako,” (I’m sorry. I’ll just get off,) she uttered, understanding that drivers get so little for their hard work and here she was expecting a free ride.

The driver started slowing down for her to get off when someone said, “Wait,” a voice from a few seats away from Liza intoned. “Here, I have some loose change for her.”

The money was passed on to the driver. “Iyan pala eh, may kaibigan ka dito. Upo ka na, Miss,” (I see; you have a friend here. You can sit down now, Miss) he commanded Liza as the jeepney started speeding down towards the outskirts of the city.

Liza stared at the man who had just helped her. She realized it was her crush, the CBA senior, who had saved her.

She started hyperventilating and her heart was about to burst with joy. “OMG! He remembers me and became my knight in shining armor at this crucial moment,” she thought.

She glanced at him, smiled sweetly, and mouthed, “thank you.”

The senior nodded and grinned back.

He was waiting for her at the jeepney’s final stop where all passengers had to get off.

“Hi, Miss,” his baritone voice made her spine tremble. “I waited for you because you will have to pay me though.”

“Oh, of course,” Liza replied, “let me buy something so this bill can be changed,”

What was she imagining? That he would ask her for a date? Dumbo! He is not interested in you. He was simply a true gentleman. She almost tripped at this realization.

“Hey, watch out,” he gripped her arm as she teetered trying to keep her balance.

Their bare skin came in contact and Liza shivered as a hot, pulsating sensation coursed through her body. She felt her face go red. Why did he have an effect like this to her? He took her breath away. She had always wondered whether it was a mere crush or true love.

Heartwarming Love Story

“Are you sick or something?” he asked her with concern, looking at her flushed face.

“No, I was just…” she did not continue and started walking.

They went to a nearby café and Liza ordered two iced teas.

“Here, have some before I pay you,” she avoided his gaze, afraid that he might see through her.

“Let’s sit down a bit. This was a tiresome day,” he motioned to the chair in front of him. ‘We’ve been crossing each other’s path often, but I don’t even know your name,” he continued.

Liza was happily surprised. Was he interested in her after all? Her pulses quickened as she went back to her sunny disposition.

“I’m Liza Santos,” she proffered her hand across the table.

“I’m John,” he flashed his white even teeth at her.

“Denver? She cannot help but crack a joke.

He guffawed. ‘I didn’t know you had a sense of humor. Were you always this funny, Liza?”

Her name rolled smoothly in his tongue. She did not have a response to that as no one ever acknowledged that she had a sense of humor. Only him. It sounded like music to her ears.

“It’s really Juan Junior dela Cruz, but my family calls me Jun. I just made it trendier for your sake,” he revealed, going back to his sober self.

Liza was still brimming with laughter as she nodded her head in agreement.

“Here’s what I owe you,” she handed the 10-peso coins to him.

“Thank you,” he said as he pocketed the coins.

“No, I should be the one saying ‘Thank You’,” Liza responded. “If it weren’t for you, I would still be waiting for a ride home.” Her eyes were bright with gratitude and something else she could not identify as yet. “Oh, by the way, I didn’t know you were from this area. I’ve never seen you before,” she queried.

“Our family just transferred residence to here,” he stated matter-of-factly. His family had indeed bought a house and lot in the new developing subdivision in that area.

They made small talk about the university games before they finally stood up as the evening draw near. “How time flies,” Liza thought. “I wish I had more time to be with him, he was fun to be with. She may never have this moment with him again.” She sighed deeply.

“Could we meet up again within the week? I think we share the same interests,” John was extending his hand to Liza.

Her spirits soared up in the sky as she nodded vigorously, grasping his hand warmly and feeling the familiar warm tremor course through her body.

They walked side by side and then away from each other as they waved goodbye with the vision of a new love story in the making.


This love story’s set-up has happened, supposed-to-be in the University Campus in Angeles City. To learn more about Angeles City, here’s WOW! Angeles City, Declared to Have the Second Lowest Crime Rate in PH

If you want to write your own love story, here’s how to write a love story.