Top 5 American Idol 2012 Trio: Jessica, Skylar and Hollie sang “Jackie Wilson’s “(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher” (Video)

Posted on May 3, 2012


Jessica, Hollie, Skylar trio
Image Credit:

The Top 5 American Idol 2012 trio was performed by Jessica Sanchez, Skylar Laine and Hollie Cavanagh. The trio was the song “(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher” by Jackie Wilson.

This was during the Top 5 American Idol 2012 Performance show, May 2, 2012.

The three American Idol contenders performed well, each performing the song uniquely. Here are some of the comments of the American Idol Judges.

Jennifer Lopez:

You got all your confidence up there and it was so cute for me.”

Randy Jackson:

“All three of you sang amazingly…”

That night however, only Joshua Ledet got a standing ovation with “To Love Somebody.” Hollie Cavanagh had American Idol judge Randy and Steven standing but not Jennifer.

Below is the YouTube Video of the trio of Jessica, Hollie & Skylar.

Jessica, Skylar & Hollie Trio

Video Credit: Boom Fiyah/Americanidol/YouTube