The Top 10 American Idol Girl Contestants are up for Online Voting. Who would the voting public retain? This is a hundred million dollar question. No one could ever predict accurately who the public would support.
The remaining 10 girls who are part of the Top 20 American Idol contestants are:
- Adriana Latonio
- Kree Harrison
- Tenna Torres
- Angie Kristine Miller
- Amber Holcomb
- Janelle Arthur
- Candice Glover
- Zoanette Johnson
- Aubrey Cleland
- Breanna Steer
Predictions could be done though. Based on the previous performances, the predicted Top 5 girls who would join the Top 5 boys on the American Idol 2013 Live Shows are:
- Angie Kristine Miller
- Candice Glover
- Breanna Steer
- Adriana Latonio
- Kree Harrison
In the end, the fate of the Top 10 American Idol contestants and the winner would rest on the shoulders of the voting public.