Arin Ray, 18, one of the X Factor Finalists goes live in his first UStream, which is presently ongoing, January 5, 2013.
He is online right now, and is conversing with fans.
Arin says:
“I’m from Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio.”
“Yes, I’m single,” Arin replied to an obvious question: “Are you single?”
“My favorite artist? Michael Jackson.”
“I’m a Virgo.”
“I can say, Demi Lovato is pretty good.”
“My favorite food is steak, and some brown rice.”
“My favorite song is Michael Jackson’s “Human Nature.”
“My family is my greatest inspiration.”
You too can join the conversation.
Arin Ray finished 10th place on the X Factor USA Season 2. He has previously participated as a member of the group InTENsity but finished 12th place. Season 2 was the highest he had reached at 10th on the X Factor show after being eliminated on November 22, 2012.

One of the songs Arin sang was Enrique Iglesia’s “Hero”, which the judges said was not up to the mark. Arin Ray has a boyish charm, though, that could make him the X Factor winner someday.
Would Arin Ray try his shot at fame in the next season or in seasons to come? He could because he had kept improving and growing into that pop idol image that everyone perceives. Arin has just got to select the perfect song for him.