American Idol 2012 Top 3 Predictions among Top 6 Idols, After Colton Dixon’s Elimination

Posted on April 20, 2012


After Colton Dixon’s shocking elimination, the Top 6 American Idol 2012 contestants are now on equal footing.

Polls and fan base are no longer significant, as proven by what happened to Colton Dixon; he was the most popular idol on social networks, and yet he got voted off.

What counts no are for the votes to come in, if the American Idol contender wants to remain in the game.

There were more than 50 million votes that came in, as announced by Ryan Seacrest, and apparently these are from the fans of the AI bottom 3 last week. These are: Jessica Sanchez, Joshua Ledet and Elise Testone.

Based on a wild guess, (Twitter followers, independent polls and Facebook followers are no longer considered as reliable measures for predicting the bottom 3 or top 3 American Idol contestants.)

The Top 3 American Idol 2012 contestants could be Phillip Phillips, Joshua Ledet and Jessica Sanchez.

Related Topics: Colton Dixon’s Reaction to American Idol Elimination

Reaction of Other American Idol Contestants to Colton Being Voted Off