Closing Prayer for Virtual Classes

Short Closing Prayer after work

Dear God, our virtual class is finally over, so we are offering this closing prayer to You.

This activity would not have succeeded without Your generous blessings and spiritual guidance.

We beseech You that You may grant the Holy Spirit so that we would retain all the information that we have learned from this virtual class.

This class may not have allowed us to meet each other face-to-face, but it allowed us to be together virtually.

We appreciate Your generosity in gathering us all together in this virtual space and giving us the chance to be with our mentor to learn new information.

We also want to express our gratitude to everyone present here today.

Allow us to be instruments of your love through our words and actions.

May you bless our mentor/s for sharing his/her expertise with us.

May you always shower him/her with wisdom and discernment so that he//she will continue to share his/her knowledge and skills.

Please bless our loved ones who are not here with us now.

We pray that they will always be healthy, happy and at peace in your Divine Presence.

As we go out to the world, may you let the Holy Spirit guide and direct us to share our acquired wisdom and knowledge in Your Name.

Bestow upon us an enterprising and discerning spirit, so that we would know how to impart our knowhow without harming anyone.

Let our acquired knowledge from this closing prayer for virtual classes be the source of peace, happiness, and success for anyone who comes to learn about it.

Let our information be the source of healing, discernment and sharing to all who would want to listen.

We know that all our planned activities would only succeed through your generous blessings.

Hence, may you grant all our prayers in this closing prayer for virtual classes.

This is in the mighty name of Your Son, Jesus Christ,


If you are working already, you could use this Prayer for Work

You may want to avail of the free version of a Book of Prayer from Amazon.

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