Christmas Prayer

Christmas Prayer sample

Glory to God in the highest and peace to His people on earth!

With grateful hearts we bow before you, Oh, King of Kings,

We thank you for all the generous blessings you have showered us with, this year.

This Christmas, may you remind us once again that it’s not the lavish gifts and bountiful food that counts most, but what’s most important is that it’s a celebration of your birthday.

You have chosen to be born and offer your life for us, so we could be saved.

This Christmas, we, in turn, offer you our hearts, gratitude, and love to you on your birthday.

May you continue to bless us every year, so we can follow your teachings and love each other.

Grant us your Holy Spirit that we could share our gifts and blessings with those in need.

Let us realize that being able to give is a greater blessing than receiving.

Let your peace and love reign in our hearts and mind.

Our gift to one another is our obedience to your living words.

Bless everyone who is present in this gathering with your all-abounding love.

With your blessings, we will surely enjoy every minute of this activity.

All these we ask in your Mighty Name,


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