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Let’s bow our heads and place ourselves in the presence of the Lord. Heavenly Father, we thank you for the successful conclusion of this meeting.
We pray that you bless us with your divine spirit so that we leave this room with the confidence that we can go out as credible emissaries of your love and generosity.
Make us remember that everything we have planned and decided in this meeting could only be accomplished if you bless our endeavors with success.
Enlighten our minds so that we will not forget that the main goal of all of these plans is that of spreading your love among our brothers.
Give us the grace to do likewise with our so-called adversaries, because your example has made it clear, that every man is a brother, and every person is you.
Instill in us humility to realize that success only comes from you.
Bestow your blessings on all of our plans and all that we have agreed upon so that we can fulfill them for your greater glory and honor. All this we ask in your mighty name, Amen.