The Top 4 American Idol 2013 Contestants namely Angie Miller, Kree Harrison, Candice Glover, and Amber Holcomb performed yesterday, April 20, and the results are in– Angie Miller and Kree Harrison are in the Top 2, and Candice Glover and Amber Holcomb are in the Bottom 2. Amber Holcomb gets eliminated but American Idol Judges saved her.
The remaining Top 3 contestants on the American Idol 2013 are Candice Glover, Angie Miller, and Kree Harrison, and since Amber Holcomb has been saved; Amber as well.
Angie Miller remains to be the voting audience’s favorite as far as the previous votes are concerned.
Stefano Langone, 7th Place during Season 10, was one of the guest stars; he sang ‘Yes to Love” to the delight of the audience. Lee Dewyze, Season 9 winner, also performed “Silver Lining.” Drake, popular American artist surprised Candice Glover too.
The Grand Finale is nearing with the remaining Top 4 American Idol contenders, and already everyone is talking about the Top 4 expected powerhouse performances.