About 20,000 Fossils in China Reveal How Certain Species Recovered After Mass Extinction

Posted on December 23, 2010


About 20,000 Fossils in China can reveal how certain species recovered after mass extinction. This was reported by LiveScience.com.  The fossils were found excellently preserved with some soft tissue intact which would reveal more of how certain species survived the stages of annihilation caused by massive volcanic eruptions and the “damage caused by humanity.”

These marine fossils of prehistoric creatures, like reptiles, snails, crustaceans, and similar materials, were unearthed from a mountain in Luoping, Southwest China. Scientist Shixue Hu of China’s Chengdu Geological Center, led the team of  experts.

Here is a a picture of one of the fossils. You can view more of this at the LiveScience.com site.