
Sample Speech Introducing Guest Speakers

Posted on September 28, 2023


Good morning, (good afternoon or good evening).

It is my great honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you our esteemed Guest Speaker for today.

This enterprising individual embodies excellence in his/her craft, proactive leadership, and the heart of a dedicated public servant.

Through his/her remarkable life journey, he/she demonstrated the value of cooperation, concern for others, and love of country.

Our Guest Speaker came from humble beginnings in the province/city of _______ (state his/her hometown).

Because of his/her relentless pursuit for excellence, he/she studied _______ (state his field of expertise or baccalaureate degree) at the university of _______ (state his/her school).

Sample Introduction of Guest Speaker

He/she did not only excel in his/her chosen profession but he/she also contributed significantly to society and to the world to earn the global respect of people and his/her peers.

He/she went on to . . . (you can enumerate his/her significant achievements in this portion of the speech, this could be a list, mention all that are vital to his/her career)

Indeed, our Guest Speaker’s journey through life is worth emulating.

So, today, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to listen to a visionary whose insights can enlighten, inspire, and challenge us to think beyond the boundaries of our personal perspectives.

I encourage you to keep an open mind and learn from his/her inspiring thoughts, wisdom, and inspiring experiences.

Also, let me take this opportunity to express our gratitude to our distinguished speaker for graciously accepting our invitation to speak today, despite his/her busy schedule.

Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, let us all welcome with a round of applause, our renowned Guest Speaker for today’s event (mention the name of the event) – Mr. or Ms. (Name of Guest Speaker).

Thank you.


Introducing a Guest Speaker to an event should focus on the accomplishments and achievements of the person and why he/she deserves to speak before the audience. Emphasize his/her local and global contributions to society.

Read more Tips for Introducing a Guest Speaker

If you are requested to lead the prayer before the event, you can use this Opening Prayer before an Event