Muslim Prayers in English

Posted on September 9, 2023


Allah, You are the Most Wise, Most Compassionate, and the Most Merciful Creator of Heaven and Earth.

With humble hearts, we bow before You to seek Your Mercy and Forgiveness.

We acknowledge that You are the Sustainer of everything that exists in this Universe.

Without Your Forgiveness and Compassion, we would be lost and doomed.

Keep us, Most Gracious Allah, to be steadfast in our Faith and to walk the walk the path of righteousness.

Illuminate our minds and hearts with Your Ultimate Truth that we may perceive it and follow it.

We plead forgiveness for our transgressions and sins, both known and unknown, and purify our minds and hearts.

Guide us to be better Muslims and good representatives of Islam.

Keep us straight in our path to You, and may we not go astray.

May we help those who have gone astray to find their way to You, Oh, Allah.

A Muslim Prayer in English

Protect our families and loved ones from evil and harmful things. May our families stay safe in Your Protection.

Give them the strength to overcome their challenges and problems with resilience and patience.

Bless our families, friends, and communities. Bless them with Your peace, love, health, and prosperity.

We also pray for all people who are suffering and in pain around the world.

Grant them relief and ease their pain and grief and their sufferings.

Allow them to seek refuge in Your Presence.

Oh, Allah, give us Your Wisdom so, we can help those who are in need to build a better world.

We ask all these, in the Name Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious.

May You accept our prayers, forgive us our sins, and bless our endeavors to succeed in our lives and the hereafter, Ameen.

Whatever religious domination, we belong to, religion should keep us united in our belief for a Supernatural Being out there. If you want more tips. Here’s a Beginner’s on How to Pray the Salah

You can also use this prayer, A Nurse’s Fervent Prayer