Christian Opening Prayer

Posted on February 3, 2022

Lifestyle Prayers

God, Almighty and All Powerful,

We come to you with open hearts and mind to accept your blessings.

Our brothers and sisters are gathered all before you to express our gratitude for all the generous gifts you have continuously given us,

With these in mind, we know that you will shower again your Divine Wsidom and Spirit to make us achieve our goals for this Christian event.

Grant that all people gathered here today online and offline will benefit from your guidance and omniscience.

Let us fulfill your words to spread love and peace today, tomorrow and in the future.

We know that we have to love our so-called ‘enemies’ because this noble action is what makes us different from other non-believers.

We promise to love every one be it our loved ones or those who persecute us.

Because this is our mark as true Christians.

Grant that this event will nurture our Christian spirit, so that we can be advocates of your love.

All these are offered to Jesus Crhist, our Lord and Saviour.
