Update on Japan Earthquake: Early Japan Tsunami Warning Minimized Damage to Lives and Properties

Posted on March 12, 2011


The early Japan tsunami warning has minimized the damage to properties and had saved lives along coastal areas affected by the warning. This was reported by International news sites, March 11. After the deadly 8.9 earthquake that had hit Japan earlier, the resulting Japan tsunami raced across the Pacific at around 500 miles per hour,  but the early warning had given people the chance to save most of their properties and flee to higher grounds.

Coastal areas in the West Coast, California, Hawaii, and Chile have millions of dollars worth of tsunami damage, but the early tsunami warning has minimized the damages which may have cost billions of dollars, not including the considerable number of lives that have been saved, if not for the quick and prompt warning.

Additional and complete areas affected by the Japan tsunami can be read in Japan’s Meteorological Agency.

This is a YouTube video of the devastating Japan tsunami after the earthquake, uploaded by newsxlive.