Prayer for Holy Week
Our Father in Heaven, this Holy Week, we remember that you gave your only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ as a…
April 11, 2023
Would Vivek Ramaswamy win the 2024 US Presidential Elections? He came to the fore after his videos went viral about his stand for LGBTQ rights, and his rap cover of Eminem. Vivek Ramaswamy said: “If you’re an adult live how you want. What we have in this country is the tyranny of a fringe minority.” […]
Lord of Wisdom and Fairness. We pray with our sincere hearts for fair elections. Please bless all candidates that they conduct themselves with dignity and self-respect. May you bless them with your unconditional love that they would also give this back to their respective electorates. May you grant them Your Divine Wisdom that they stay […]
Let’s all pray for peace in the world. Let’s all pray for peace between Ukraine and Russia. Lord, we beseech you to enlighten the leaders of these countries So that they will be aware that war only brings destruction to man and his environment. Please let these leaders realize that we can co-exist in this […]
Heavenly Father, we thank you for all your generous blessings in the past. Once again, as a whole nation, and as members of the electorate, We beseech you to send your Holy Spirit to enlighten us as to who deserves our precious votes. Shower us with your discerning wisdom to show us who would be […]